

Hi everyone, getting TOO HOT even in May. How's doing thesedays? I watched AMAZING MOVIES that would be in best 10 of my favorite movies. The movies are "Interstellar"and "Girl, Interrupted". I can't explain well in English (maybe even in …

What's Eating Gilbert Grape

I've just watched this movie...I can't explain my feeings. It was not happy story, also not sad story. Something new meeting makes some changes. Hmm I should watch it again.. Anyway, a girl who played Becky is so pretty!! I wanna be like h…


I watched the Ultra Violet. It was a good action video, but was not movie. I couldn't understand what is going on in the story, but only I can say, Milla is SUPER COOL. Okay, end this subject. Let me talk about today. I went to shopping wi…

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